Unique Snack Recipe


The world we live in today isno stranger to snacksandsnacking. In fact many of us love an amazing snack before or after meals, where even some of thesesnacksin their selves are seen asmeals and one could have them for breakfast,lunch,or dinner

We can’t deny that despite the yearnings and warnings of the dieticians and nutritionists about snacks and the dangers of snacking, the companies that are into theproductionof snacks for families and/or for bulk office snacks are on the increase, as are the consumers of these snacks.

It is imperative to mention that thesnacking game has been far elevated by the introduction of a variety of flavors and there have been health in cline snacking wave across the snacking industries. This is because of the different and varying choices of meals across.

Recipe formakinga healthy homemadesnack; Cheese Crackers

However, because of the aforementioned emphasis andimportance on the health aspect of snacking, this article would be sharing arecipe for makinga homemade (CheeseCrackers) for you and yours to enjoy.


Making the Homemade cheese crackershealthy snack for at leastsixty people requires that you need the following; one and a halfspoons of flour, and one and a quarter teaspoon of kosher salt, a pinch of pepper, two cups of shredded cheddar cheese, quarter cup of grated parmesan cheese, half cup of cold unsalted butter (preferably cubed) and quarter a cup of water


To begin with you’ve first got to preheat your oven to about 450°Fahrenheit and then line up two baking sheets with parchment paper, next you’d want to mix the flour with the salt, the cayenne pepper, the cheddar and parmesan, then add some butter pulse for one or two minutes until your mixture looks like a coarse meal

Next you would want to add some water and mix until 2 formsyou might need add some waterif the doughlooksdry, this is watershouldn’t exceed one or two tablespoons at a time

You should divide the dough into at least two pieces, this should be done on a floured surface, next you might want to roll out the dough to a quarter inch thick, then cut one inchsquares and transfer to the already prepared baking sheets.

Finally using a small knife (the sharp point) you’d want to poke a hole in the center of each cracker, then bake the cracker until it appears crispy and golden brown, you should bake them for sixteen minutes at most, let them completely get cool before dishing out, now you’ve successfully made a healthy cracker meal for yourself.


However, if you find this process rigorous and stressful for you, you can always reach out to professionals to provideyou with healthy snacks ortheycould also recommend others that would suit your cravings orgatherings. Also note that most snack delivery companies do not require you to step out of your comfort zone as you can right from the comfort of your home, work out your snack need and get bulk delivery in case that is needed.

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